Machine Learning Clustering Analysis Towards Educator’s Readiness to Adopt Augmented Reality as a Teaching Tool
The advanced digital revolution has shifted conventional teaching and learning into digital education. In consistency with digital education, Augmented Reality (AR) applications started to shine in the education industry for their ability to create conducive teaching and learning environments, especially in remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Movement Control Order (MCO) implemented in the year 2020 has led to emergency remote teaching and learning without much preparation for all educators and learners. Throughout these few years, most educators got familiar with digital teaching tools and online teaching platforms. Hence, this study aims to explore educators’ readiness to adopt AR as a teaching tool in their teaching during the endemic period. A quantitative approach via questionnaire has been distributed to the Private Higher Education Institutions (PHEIs) in the states of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. Machine learning using a clustering technique was used to find patterns between the demographics of educators towards the AR perception of educators. The results revealed that educators' perceptions of AR technology are influenced by their familiarity with it, their personal beliefs, and their attitudes toward technology. This study provides an insightful overview of the benefits of AR applications in education and the implications of the adoption of AR in Malaysian schools and educational institutions. It also highlights the importance of motivating educators and students to embrace AR as an enhancement learning tool, providing a valuable discussion for the government, learning institutions, and educators on the implementation of AR in Malaysia.
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